Monday, June 4, 2012

In The Beginning (Preface)

If you asked all my friends, any of them really, about my talking, the results would be unianimous. "He never shuts up." That would most likely be the answer. And would they be lying? Of course they would. They're all filthy liars who gamble and drink heavily.

No. That's not nice. It just isn't at all. My friends love me, at least I hope they do. They love me even though I passionately complain about anything and everything pop culture whether it be movies, television, books or whatever thing is annoying me that day. And frankly, baby, it ain't about's about entertainment. I love talking at endless length about cinema and television. I love writing stories and doing film and TV criticism. I love seeing films on the big screen. I don't hate digital film even though i love the ruddy, pockmarked films of yesteryear. There's nothing groovier than seeing a 35mm print of your favorite film and seeing your friends scratch their heads as to why you think it's so cool. It's because it's so cool to go and feel your shoes sticking to the floor because someone spilled a soda....or worse. It's an experience that you'll never get anywhere else. You sit in a dark room and experience something together. A united feeling of wonderment. So, when people bootleg films or rent it from a Redbox, it's like taking the warmth away from anyone and everyone. Because, frankly, entertainment is a dying art. Let's not mince words here. It's heading long into become celluloidal ourobouros. People watch movies. I absorb them. I learn from them. I can feel the high from watching a great piece of cinema and feel the lows from watching trash. I mean, good trash, not poisonous dreck. And yet, I feel the same way about television. It's a weekly matinee just for you. And yes, it breaks my heart when I find a show with one iota of intelligence and it gets shot down before it has a chance to flourish. I could create an entire list of those shows and I most likely will. My goal here is to talk about things that interest me. And if they interest me, chances are you'll follow suit. I'll publish reviews and stories I've written and hope that it doesn't fall on deaf ears (or eyes? I guess it is print....) If I can reach one person with my words then that'll mean something to me. And God willing that's what I'm here for. Call that my mission statement.

Or people just found my website and thought it was fanfic for "The Walking Dead." I guess that's my fault.

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